February 8, 2012


An injured sperm whale has drifted ashore on the Belgian coast and died before it could be rescued.
The whale was likely making a seasonal migration and ended up in the North Sea by accident. It measured 13 meters (45 feet) and weighed some 30 tons.
Jan Haelters of the Natural Science Institute tells the VRT network that "it is treacherous out here for sperm whales since the North Sea is not deep enough."
Despite the freezing cold on the windy beach, it soon was an attraction for local schools and tourists.
The whale drifted ashore early Wednesday still alive but scientists were unable to treat its injuries.
Requiescat In Pace

Read more here: http://www.centredaily.com/2012/02/08/3082595/sperm-whale-dies-on-belgian-beach.html#storylink=cp
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